The Dangers of Technological Advancements

Throughout the history of Science Fiction, the exploration of speculative technology has been very prominent. There is usually a discussion of how this technology may negatively affect humanity, and if its benefits outweigh the consequences. Many of these stories deal with the development of robotics, such as androids, artificial intelligence, and bionics/cybernetics. The consequences of the development of new energy sources and weaponry is also addressed fairly often.

Even in the 1950s, in the days of pulps and paperbacks, people were thinking about the potential thrills and dangers of the future. However, the majority of our sources are from the New Wave of Science Fiction, where “soft” and more speculative titles came to prominence. An especially common topic was AI, possibly inspired by the rise of basic computers and processors (Scott).

Technology is predicted to take over, but how realistic are these concerns? While the specific ways shown throughout science fiction are not entirely realistic, they do show how humans can become reliant on technology. Technology is extremely useful in our day to day lives, however, it is also a powerful source that can be misused.


Henry Bauer, Joe Pattinato, April Rigot, and Daulton Cipicchio