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  • Collection: Group 6, Artwork: Narrating The Cold War, Civil Rights, and Feminism

The cover of Bitch Planet displays artwork associated with the feminist movement. Feminist ideals are conveyed through the color and style of artwork.

Killer Raven March 29 cover.jpg
Killraven's artwork and panels draw from ideas pertaining to the Civil Rights Movement. The panels show a representation of the African American community seen through the character Mishulla.

killer raven may 30 cover.jpg
Amazing Adventures featuring Kill Raven contains artwork that was inspired by the Civil Rights movement. Mishulla becomes a representation of different races that are present through the comic.

Space man cover.jpg
Space man's artwork eludes to the space race that was happening between the United States and Russia during the Cold War. The artwork expressed through the panels and cover offer insight to the Cold War.

Doomsday +1 Cover.jpg
Doomsday +1 is a comic that has artwork that draws ideas from the Cold War. The artwork on the cover shows the portrayal of America during this time.
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